Writing in the Shadows

Another week has gone by and we are back to the gentle world our weekend. I’ve kept busy with my camera, finding a few new shots for the week. I was looking for drama and shadows this week. I think I found a few (shadows) in my meanderings while making some time to add a… Continue reading Writing in the Shadows

Shadows and Journeys

Hey friends, I was a little bit worried that I wouldn’t find a moment to share a few words with you this week. So I hid away for a moment, while I was supposed to be engaged in a monotonous activity to share a little bit of my meanderings from the week. I found this… Continue reading Shadows and Journeys

Create with Courage

There is no storm you can't handle. There is no obstacle you can't overcome. There is no writer's block that can stop you. The obstacles that hinder us are often self-imposed as we play the game of internet-attention, tethering our efforts to the relentless quest to become the noisiest and loudest spokesperson we can be.… Continue reading Create with Courage

Living at Night

Between the mini-stars and the blanket of the sky there is peace at night. In the dark ocean of the night, I accomplish almost most of my work between the hours of 2AM and 7AM. The world is quiet. The rain is peaceful. The universe gives in these hours. I'm back to work on my… Continue reading Living at Night